Kinashi and Kokubunji are famous for their Bonsai. They specialize in
pine-tree Bonsai, producing more than 80 percent of pine-tree Bonsai in Japan.
Mr. Kandaka, bonsai farmer, is an executive head of the Bonsai producers’
cooperative in Kinashi, which is composed of some 50 bonsai families.
Goyo-matsu Bonsai
Kuro-matsu Bonsai
The weather and the soil here are suitable for growing various kinds of pine trees.
Maple Bonsai: twenty to thirty years of age
This black pine tree, owned by Mr. Ohkuma Shigenobu, is several hundred
years old. He is one of the former prime ministers as well as the founder of
Waseda University.
Smaller bonsai are getting popular these days.
This is one of the special pine trees in his garden.